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How do I overcome the January blues?


When Christmas is over, all the excitement is out of the way and a new year has begun. This time of year so many people report experiencing the January blues. Dark mornings and evenings and bad weather can make us feel a little down in the dumps. Don’t worry though this is totally normal following the aftermath of Christmas. However, there are steps you can put in place to get over the January blues and make yourself feel better.

Keep active

Those long nights can make you feel like all you want to do is snuggle up on the sofa. By doing this you’re giving into the emotion of feeling down and depressed. If instead you decide to go on a long walk or do a workout (let’s face it we’ve probably all eaten too much this Christmas!) then this will make you feel much more motivated. Exercise releases endorphins which help to improve your state of mind.

Eat well

Eating junk food will only encourage the January blues even further. Junk food can make you feel slobbish whereas a healthy balanced diet will give you more energy.

Sleep well

Believe it or not, getting enough sleep (between 7 and 9 hours) has a more positive impact on your mental health. Getting less sleep can make you feel irritable and even more tired.

Set yourself goals

Instead of setting yourself unrealistic resolutions, set yourself challenging but achievable goals. Setting unrealistic resolutions will disappoint you when you’re unable to achieve them. By setting realistic goals and breaking them down into steps they will be much easier to meet and will give you a great sense of achievement.

Something to look forward to

Give yourself something to look forward to. There’s a surprising amount of people who search for holidays in January but then don’t even book. After the festive period we all feel like we need something else to look forward to, so if you don’t book that holiday why not book a photoshoot? In fact January is our quiet time. No one is thinking of having a photoshoot straight after Christmas, but January is a great time to capture those family photos in order to boost your self-esteem. So even if you do book that holiday for later in the year, why not treat yourself and your loved ones to a photoshoot in January? We guarantee it will help to abolish those January blues!


© 2023 of Bourne Photographic Studios created by Two Birds Resources. 

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